By Gary Walter
I Still Believe in Hope and Change

I have a good friend who, when being pursued by a certain young man, declared that she was “not interested and would never be interested” in this young man. The young man didn’t give up and today my friends have been married for over 30 years and are very much in love. Timing is everything. What once seemed impossible ultimately turned out to be the very best course of action for everyone involved. God had His reasons for the delay of that union and He had his reasons for bringing it ultimately to success. It had to be the right time.
It was an exciting May evening when many of us watched “Huckabee” to hear what we thought would be Mike Huckabee’s announcement that he would run for the presidency. Polls had the governor in the lead both against his GOP opposition and in a head to head match up against President Obama. Yet we were shocked by his declaration that “His heart says ‘no’”. Many of us struggled with that determination while respecting the fact that Mike sought to obey and follow God. But the truth is this: sometimes what seems like a “no” turns out to be a “Not yet”. It has to be the right time.
Since that day in May we have seen many come to the front of the GOP line and make their case. As I have viewed the GOP debates I have seen some good people give some common sense answers, I have also seen some glaring weaknesses. I do not want to spend my time in this blog tearing down all the current candidates, the fact is, in the end I could never vote for President Obama so if Mike Huckabee doesn’t run, I’ll have to be supporting one of these candidates . However looking at the two front runners shows me why I believe the debates have had a huge Huckabee-sized vacuum in them.
The trials of our nation can be seen like a street filled with hot coals. We have as a nation turned our eyes to money and to government to rescue us. President Obama decided to throw the gasoline of vastly greater government spending , debt, and control on the coals and the path became impassable. Mitt Romney with his changing views with every election (“I will always be pro-choice” when running for Massachusetts governor etc etc.) would have us run across the coals with flip-flops on. Not very safe, not very successful. Rick Perry says he is a conservative and yet supported Rudy Giuliani, a pro-choice candidate in 2008. Can he be trusted? Perry has the cowboy persona but I think he might just charge across those flaming coals and get himself and the horse he rides killed in the process.
We need someone who will get the heavy equipment out and clear the road of the coals. We need a road paved with the principle in the Declaration of Independence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. All life is precious from conception to natural death. We need someone who can be trusted to protect and defend all life in this country and to promote freedom and liberty for all. We need someone with authentic principles and not mere rhetoric.
Four years ago then-candidate Obama ran on a theme of hope and change. Here we are four years later, hope is almost gone and the change has been for the worse. The “accomplishments” or lack thereof of the Obama administration hardly have to be chronicled. His philosophy of government spending and government control being the panacea for our society are clearly an abject failure by any measure. But it is clearly not enough to fire the current occupant of the oval office. We need to have someone else to replace him that is competent, experienced, and has a rock solid foundation of belief that will carry him and those he leads to success.
I still believe in hope and change. I still HOPE Mike Huckabee will CHANGE his mind and run for President of the United States in 2012. Timing is everything. The time is now.
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