Please continue to pray for 9/11 families. Pray that hope of the Gospel will still be heard and received through people reaching out to the LORD our healer and our Savior JESUS CHRIST.
9/11 Remembrance
by Mike Huckabee September 11, 2011
In the collaspe of the world trade center, in the extraordinary heat from the fires that raged from all of that jet fuel, on the day after September 11, there was dug from and lifted from the rubble, two steel beams, that had melted and formed in the shape of a cross. It became known as the 911 Cross.
And even people who were not Christians were comforted by it. It was lifted up at the scene and rescue workers, for months and months, as they continued the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero, would go to that Ground Zero Cross. They would write the names of victims. They would go there and the chaplains would have services there. And it was a place of comfort, not just for Christians people, but for people who were Jewish and even Muslim. Because even though the Cross is a uniquely Christian symbol, because of, I would say the almost miraculous way that it had been formed and found. it gave an extraordinary sense of optimism, hope and encouragement to people who had little to hope for; because as you recall, in all of those efforts to find people, there was only one lady who was found alive still, in the immediate aftermath. And of the 2700+, almost 3000 people who died, even to this day at Ground Zero, only 1600 have ever been fully accounted for and identified. The rest, there was nothing enough left to even find.
Dave Silverman, president of American Atheist Association, told Governor Huckabee on his FOX News show Saturday, September 10th, 2011, that he has filed a lawsuit because he does not want that cross be permanently placed as part of the memorial museum at 911. He says it brings him mental anguish and pain. Governor Huckabee stated, "It was disturbing to talk with him... I wanted to be angry with him, but honestly, ...I found myself feeling sorry for a person, whose life is so void, SO VOID, that he has no capacity to understand that, for him, as he described it, his words, in both the lawsuit and his description in which he affirmed to person, was, "that it's just a piece of rubble. There's nothing significant about it. It's rubble." To which Governor Huckabee replied to him, "If it's just a piece of rubble, why does it bother you so much? What difference does it make if it's just rubble?"
Governor Huckabee pondered, "It's like two people walk into an art museum; one is overwhelmed with emotions by the stunning nature of the piece art, and the other one thinks, 'what a piece of junk!' It means nothing to one and everything to another. Why does your view get to take superiority over the views of others? Who died and left you to be GOD? And since you don't believe in one, I guess no one did!
It is in moments like that, that I realize, many people still don't understand, that what happened that day was a day, as he likes to say, that GOD didn't show up. In fact his specific words were, 'GOD stood back and did nothing as 3000 people died.' My response was 'no GOD did something.' He did it in the form of firemen and police officers, and rescue workers. He inhabited them as they went in, to live in their lives the words of JESUS, 'Greater love has no man, then this, that a man would lay down his life for his friends.' And on that day there were many who laid down their life for their friends, their neighbors and for total strangers."
To hear more of this very encouraging and thought provoking tribute by Governor Huckabee, go to:
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September 11, 2011
Mike Huckabee
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