Thank you Governor Huckabee! for being the David and the Joseph and the Daniel in our lives, that helps to redirect our focus back where it needs to be: solely on CHRIST our Solid Rock!
Right now there seems to be now one who is really telling this message but Governor Huckabee. The rest of the bunch who call themselves "Republican" candidates are just as he said, in a dog fight to see who can be top dog. But here is a message that keeps coming back to me:
"I think you will agree with me that in this critical time in our nation's history, it is more imperative than ever that we have men like Mike Huckabee in the public arena. Men who have skilled leadership, but more importantly, possess an unwavering commitment to the LORD JESUS CHRIST."—Pastor Robert Jeffress, First Baptist Dallas
The LORD has told us we are to daily, by the mercies of GOD, to present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to GOD. Abraham was given a promise from the LORD, that he would be the father of many nations. When he went out on his own he created Ishmael, the enemy of the LORD's people. But when he allowed the LORD to work, Isaac was born. Then Abraham did his most obedient act, in offering up Isaac on the alter to the LORD and because of the act of obedience, Abraham was re-directed and the LORD provided a ram for the sacrifice and Abraham was called the friend of GOD. I believe Governor Huckabee have been given his Isaac moment and has been obedient. Therefore GOD will provide a ram. Could He also re-direct him?
Governor Huckabee, I want to lay you on the alter before the LORD. I pray that only GOD's express will and plan comes forth and from it you, Janet, your family (and that cute little grandson) and our entire nation is blessed by His sovereign will. I am praying that you will continue to always be the mirror that reflects the light.
We all pray that we would have GOD's desires, attitudes and direction. The LORD said, "When you commit your life to Me, I will give you the desires of My heart." Many of us have an earnest and deep desire that we would have you Governor Huckabee, an Amassador of CHRIST, a true advocate of freedom for the American people, as the president of the United States in 2012. We have prayed earnestly that we have the desires of the LORD's heart. We have asked, "LORD take this desire from us if it isn't from You." It is still burning strong in our hearts. Therefore, We are praying if GOD wills it, that He would open the door and direct you to get into this race for 2012!
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
I believe now is the season for Mike!
GOD never gives us anything but IMPOSSIBLE tasks because then we have to depend on Him to accomplish them!!
When we put CHRIST in to the word IMPOSSIBLE it becomes I M POSSIBLE!
I can do all things through CHRIST who strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13
Whatever GOD's plan is for you, we thank GOD for your willingness to be a testimony of our LORD and Savior JESUS CHRIST and we ask for abundant and overflowing blessing of every kind upon you and your whole family.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes of yours (believe me it was hard just to pick these out of all that I have! :) )
"If your life is invested in something eternal, then nobody can steal that. …That is why following JESUS makes a whole lot of more sense than living your whole life just to be rich or to be famous. Those things are fleeting but JESUS is not; it is the only thing worth living for.”
“Following JESUS doesn't mean I'm following Him to the White House, or I'm following Him to the governor mansion, or I'm following Him to television, no I'm following Him to be with Him! And then where ever He puts me and places me, my real job is not to be the governor or the president or a television personality, my job is to somehow be that person GOD has created me to be and to have influence on the world where he has placed me; doesn't matter where that is."
"I would consider it the highest honor of my life, if you would give me the opportunity not to rule, but to serve."
"Don't ever let expediency or electability replace our principles."
"Worthwhile battles in the political arena are not for the easily discouraged or the faint of heart."
“Great things are rarely easy things. They are most often risky things, with just as much a chance for failure as success.”
Thanks again Governor Huckabee and to your wife Janet and your family. We shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace and the mountains and the hills will break forth with singing!
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