Barack Obama will host Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for a meeting on Friday, May 20. "The leaders look forward to discussing the full range of issues of mutual interest to the United States and Israel," the White House said in a statement.
Pray and Intercede for this meeting that will take place at the White House on May 20th. Our very destiny as a nation rests upon our covenant with Zion. Pray that Obama will NOT turn his back on Israel, but will instead lend his full support to that nation when Prime Minister Netanyahu visits here this week. Ask that the mistakes of the past -- fomented upon Israel's head of state during his last visit to the Oval Office -- not be repeated again, but will instead be washed away by the cleansing power of the Blood of the Lamb.
Pray, too, that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will stand in the strength of the LORD against any and all forces that would seek to delegitimize Israel in this hour. Pray that no Palestinian Authority flag would ever fly higher than the flag of the sovereign state of Israel in the hearts of our U.S. leadership. Amen.
"I have found My servant David; With My holy oil I have anointed him, With whom My hand shall be established; Also My arm shall strengthen him. The enemy shall not outwit him, Nor the son of wickedness afflict him. I will beat down his foes before his face, And plague those who hate him." (Psalm 89:20-23)
Barack Obama will give a major speech to the 10,000 supporters of Israel at the AIPAC conference on Sunday morning, May 22, officials announced today. At that time, he will lay out his new Middle East strategy after the killing of Osama bin Laden and amid upheaval in the Arab world.
A key sticking point is whether Obama, who gained atemporary boost in global stature with the death of the al Qaeda chief last week, will also use his coming address to present new proposals for renewed Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking, a source familiar with the administration's internal debate said. (, Reuters)
What does it mean? The timing of the Obama speech appears to be like a carefully crafted chess move on the game board. Is he intending to "trump" Netanyahu, garnering world media attention, and thus taking the "wind out of his sails" from Netanyahu when he addresses AIPAC on the evening of May 23 and the US Congress on May 24? Is the timing of Obama's speech intended to apply more pressure on Netanyahu and designed to influence his addresses to AIPAC on Sunday morning, May 22? (Commentary from Hebrew Nation)
For more information on the possible implications of this unusual lineup this weekend, please go here and read an article by Caroline Glick in the Jerusalem Post titled, "Column One: Obama's newest ambush."
Ask the Lord to be in the midst of these meetings, and that His will would be brought forth.
For Prime Minister Netanyahu: ". . . My arm shall strengthen him. The enemy shall not outwit him. . ."(Psalm 89:22)
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