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Thank you Mike and Janet Huckabee for all your prayers, encouragement, hard work, and commitment to unify and make our country the strongest, safest, best place to live and raise our families! We pray GOD's richest blessings upon you! Please join with us in keeping a prayer focus for Mike & Janet Huckabee and the direction he will go in. Also, let's join Mike as he reads a chapter of Proverbs for each day. (Jan. 30 would be Proverbs 30). I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone; for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Thanks for praying!

Point to ponder by Randy Davis

Point to ponder by Randy Davis

"Determination is looking at insurmountable obstacles as opportunities to allow God's supernatural intervention. When God is about to do something great, He starts with a difficulty. When He is about to do something truly magnificent, He starts with an impossibility. Reaching a goal requires more than skill it requires determination. This means rejecting distractions like discouragement and doubt."— Randy Davis

Important Prayer Focus

We declare GOD's plans and purposes in the earth, and that all things in the United States be accomplished through GOD's Spirit. We pray that every hindrance or obstacle that would attempt to prevent GOD's will from being accomplished be removed! We pray for continued revelation of truth and the exposure of falsehoods.

We pray that America can regain honor, integrity and truth of character in it's leadership and therefore become once again the Shining City on a Hill, who is once again Freedom's greatest hope. We turn to the LORD GOD for our rescue and our salvation, our wisdom, direction, protection and provision.

We pray that GOD anoints and empowers Mike Huckabee as He did King David of Israel, that no weapon formed against him will succeed. We pray that GOD prepares the weapons of Mike's warfare in the same way that GOD prepared five smooth stones for the shepherd boy David. We pray that when Mike goes out to lead a Gideon’s army of the living GOD in the name of the LORD ALMIGHTY that he arises victorious in his spiritual battles.

As David's sling slew Goliath, we pray that Mike triumphs over his adversaries, spiritual and political, so that all will know that it is not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of Hosts. We praise GOD that He has placed Mike Huckabee in this nation as an ambassador of CHRIST's love and hope.

We lift Governor Huckabee and his family up to our LORD GOD for wisdom in decision making. We pray that the HOLY SPIRIT would give Mike clarity in communication. We pray for Gov. Huckabee, that he would always hear clearly the direction that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY would have him follow. We pray that abundant provision would flow through to Governor Huckabee in cash, staff & volunteers, as well as positive media coverage.

We pray blessings upon Janet Huckabee. We praise GOD for her sacrifice and support of Mike as he gives his time working to make our country the best it can be. We pray that Mike's personal finances will multiply and that he has provision to meet all needs for himself and his family. We pray special peace, comfort, strength, and protection upon her, their family, pets and home.

Thank You LORD for travel mercies, safety, and protection for Mike and his family as he travels around our nation to speak, encourage, and enlist others to support solid conservative candidates and issues.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A prayer, exhortation and encouragement for Governor Huckabee

"the world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."— Albert Einstein

Will GOD redirect you Governor Huckabee? I don't know but I am convinced that the amount of people praying for you Governor Huckabee and the depth of agreement on the hope that you would make the choice to enter the 2012 race was from the LORD GOD to our spirits.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader."—John Q. Adams

Governor Huckabee, you have inspired us to go and be the somebodies and do the somethings.

You encouraged us by example to seek out revelation and direction: "I have long depended on Scripture not only as a refuge but also for direction. Since I was 18 I've read a chapter in Proverbs every morning, getting through the whole book each month. For me, that's a source of daily inspiration and guidance. I really believe most good, sound management decisions can be gleaned from the principles you'll find in the book of Proverbs.”

You admonished us, "These are the days of Elijah! How long will we falter? We've got to say we are going to live our lives as unto to the LORD! These are the days of Elijah!"

You have taught us that character makes a difference. "Character is the issue, and your character makes the difference every day—in the work you do, the candidates you vote for, the people who look to you for leadership. My hope is... that you will live your faith proudly and support and uplift fellow Christians as we work together to build GOD’s kingdom."

You instilled in us "that doing the right thing is precisely what America must doing order to achieve the goals that conservatives (actually everyone) want—lower taxes, less government, safer streets and neighborhoods, prosperous businesses, good jobs, good schools, access to affordable health care, secure borders, strong marriages and families, growing productivity, and personal liberties." You exhorted us with "My hope and prayer is that you'll commit to doing your part to change America's future by deciding that whatever others choose to do, you will Do the Right Thing."

You gave us the true meaning of the small but powerfully inspiring word "hope," pointing out that progress for our country cannot
happen with the continued bipartisan rift dividing it.

You highlighted for us 12 “Stops” to restoring America’s greatness. The stops refer to things that we must stop doing; stop “being cynical,” stop “abusing our planet,” stop “robbing the taxpayers,” stop “the heat and turn on the light for hot issues,” stop “the loss of America’s prestige at home and abroad,” and–my favorite–stop “being a selfish citizen,” and offered “12 Action Steps” that set specific standards we ought to hold our political leaders accountable to and specific principles by which we ought to be governed.

You tapped into the fundamental core of every American, confronting matters closest at hand with the call for a critical change in perspective and a clear plan of action that shows what we can become as a truly indivisible nation.

You told us about Twelve Things We really need from Washington (and a Trillion we Don't). You have us nodding in agreement with these twelve essential truths, whether we were Republican, an Independent, or an open-minded Democrat. "We need a simple government. Don't get me wrong; I know that many of the nation's problems are highly complex. But I also know the governing principles that can solve them, if we work together, are simple."

You showed us that "The kind of leader we will be, is tied directly to what kind of follower we were for those who blazed the trail before us. Someone is likely following in our footsteps in the same way, we're following others. One of the reasons we're commanded to congregate in mutual fellowship is so we can gain strength from those with whom we fly. They in turn can gain strength from us. When we are weary and lag behind, the encouragement of others becomes like the honking of the geese, cheering us on toward the next step, the next day, the next challenge."

You interceded for us, "I pray that GOD will raise up spiritual leaders who will not let this nation fall. Not a partisan battle, but a battle against good & evil. There are things that are right and things that are wrong. There are some things that are Holy."

You can help "us put aside our differences, tone down the partisan rancor, and return to the simple principles of the Founding Fathers: liberty, justice, personal freedom, and civic virtue." And you "can help us tackle even the most seemingly complicated of today's problems."

GOD has used you to teach, inspire, encourage, and empower us to go the extra mile, dream the impossible and lift others up to reach for the stars. To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1
Is this the season GOD is calling you to lead us by running for president 2012? What, then, shall we say in response to this? If GOD is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

By the way, I learned most of this from these books:
Character Makes a Difference
Living Beyond Your Lifetime: How to be intentional about the Legacy You Leave
From Hope to Higher Ground
Do the Right Thing
A Simple Government
Twelve Things We really need from Washington (and a Trillion we Don't)

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