Really enjoyed the interview Governor Huckabee had with Tim Tebow on the Huckabee Show today. Tim is a remarkable young man, that the LORD is using in a mighty way to millions.
He said, "My faith is the driving force of my life; even above and beyond football!" Great testimony! Governor Huckabee said a very similar statement back in 2007 (without the part about football)! Guess great minds really do think alike! :)
Here is more of Tim Tebow's testimony:
"I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds my future!"
When asked how do you share you faith? Tim: "It wasn't something I was preaching or I was sharing, because it really wasn't. It was something I was just living. Plain and simple. It's not about what comes out of your mouth. It's not about what you say. It's about how you act and that's the greatest way to share your faith and to say what you're about, is by everyday how you go about your business and how you treat people."
Tim likes to put bible references in the eye black strips on his face when he plays football as the Denver Broncos Star Quarterback. He had Philippians 4:13 for a whole season, then for the SCC Championship game he felt he should change it to a different verse. He put John 3:16 on his face and went out and played the game. The Coach told him afterwards that during the game, people had googled John 3:16 94 million times! That was an all time record for google searches! Laus DEO! Tim has written a book called "Through My Eyes"I can't wait to read it!
You can like his page with the scriptures he uses and see some pictures here:
By the way: I agree with the two Democrats on the Huckabee show interview right before Tim! The best candidate who could run for president in 2012, IS the top rated cable FOX News TV Talk show host who recently made the decision not to run!

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