Massive Government Scandal
And you've likely never heard about it on the news...
From the Huckabee Report :
Unless you follow the news very closely, you might think "Operation Fast and Furious" is yet another movie sequel. But it's actually a government scandal that some say could end up being a bigger story than Iran-Contra.
The original idea was that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms would actually supply high-powered rifles to the drug trade in Mexico. The weapons were supposed to go through the supply chain and be bought by straw buyers, who would help the BATF identify the weapons dealers and bust them. But it didn't work out that way. Instead, as many as 2,000 US-government-supplied, semi-automatic rifles ended up in the hands of Mexican drug gangsters, who used them to turn the border into a war zone and commit horrific crimes. Those include the murder of American border patrol agent, Brian Terry. The chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Darryl Issa, called the scheme "felony stupid."
The scarcity of news coverage of this scandal is a scandal in itself, because entire governments have been brought down by less. The pressure was put on BATF head Kenneth Melson to fall on his sword over it. But this is not the type of scandal where you can jettison just one fall guy and sweep it under the rug. There are still a lot of questions to answer, possibly charges to be filed, and maybe more high-ranking heads to roll.
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Libya - Waiting Game
Over the weekend, NATO admitted that one of its air strikes in Tripoli was off-target and killed civilians. Libyan officials claim nine were killed, including at least two children, and 18 more wounded. Of course, it's the job of Libyan officials to make NATO look as bad as possible. But NATO isn't denying the attack. They just say it wasn't on purpose and was likely caused by a weapons system failure.
The timing couldn't be worse for President Obama. Sunday's deadline passed for getting Congressional approval of the Libyan mission under the War Power Acts. And not many Congress members seem to have bought his argument that providing most of the weapons and funding for NATO to bomb the smithereens out of Libya doesn't rise to the definition of "hostilities." It sounds like more than a mild "tiff," even to his own legal experts. It was reported that two of Obama's top White House legal advisers disagreed with that argument and fought against it, but they were overruled.
So what comes next? Well, let's hope this doesn't lead to a drawn-out Constitutional crisis between two branches of government, both of which have other pressing matters to deal with. But there are already moves starting in Congress to cut off funding for the Libya mission. NATO might have to look elsewhere for support, or Moammar Ghadaffi could emerge still in power, as the winner of a very costly waiting game.
Mike Huckabee
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