Other candidates: "If we were starting over from scratch, I would favor a national sales tax." "I won't support the Fair Tax because it will never pass" "we would end up with a dual tax, a national sales tax and an income tax."
Mike Huckabee in 2008:
"The Fair Tax gets rid of the IRS...ends the underground economy... repeal the 16th amendment."
"I refuse to believe the best ideas are the ones that will never happen. The question is not do you think it is practical to get it passed? No! Let's ask is this a superior approach to the tax structure in this country then the one we have? Let's answer that yes or no—and If it's yes, then please don't tell me this country is incapable of doing the best; that we have to accept the worst. And if that is where we are then that is why I need to be president because I refuse to accept the worst alternative when the best one is on the table and I would work to pass the best one, rather than to just resign myself to the worst one."
Governor Huckabee is still one of the biggest supporters of the Fair Tax!
Governor Huckabee will testify before Congress in support of the Fair Tax on July 26th 2011! Please sign this petition so he can show Washington how many people support the Fair Tax! Share it on your wall to...let's promote this as much as we can:
Invite all of your friends to this event and make sure you sign the petition!
This is the Committee that Governor Huckabee will testify before. They have a post about the hearing. Please leave a supportive comment:
Ways and Means Committee
Republican Members of Congress serving on the Ways and Means Committee include: Dave Camp, Michigan, Chairman Wally Herger, California Sam Johnson, Texas Kevin Brady, Texas Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Devin Nunes, California Pat Tiberi, Ohio Geoff Davis, Kentucky Dave Reichert, Washington Charles Boustany, Louisiana Dean Heller, Nevada Peter Roskam, Illinois Jim Gerlach, Pennsylvania Tom Price, Georgia Vern Buchanan, Florida Adrian Smith, Nebraska Aaron Schock, Illinois Lynn Jenkins, Kansas Erik Paulsen, Minnesota Kenny Marchant, Texas Rick Berg, North Dakota Diane Black, Tennessee Comments are welcome and appreciated, but please keep them respectful and part of a constructive debate. Any comments that include profanity or inappropriate language will be removed. Thank you.
Mike Huckabee - What is the "Fair Tax?"
FAIRTAX SIGNATURE BASH--100K signatures before July 25th! Sign and Share
Location: Right now. Right where you're at.
Time: 9:30PM Tuesday, July 19th- July 25th
Join the 16,432 signatures and counting
...Sign the Petition below:
Petition to Elect A Fair Tax Congress
Now is the time! As Americans give an unfair and growing amount of their paychecks to the Federal Government, our mission is clearer now more than ever:
Folks, it is time we put the IRS out of business
Together we can accomplish this goal if we work hard to show to the Republican controlled House of Representatives during next week's hearing that an overwhelming number of Americans are behind the FairTax.
Then we must work together to elect another record number of candidates to Congress (House and Senate) next year who support the Fair Tax or who are willing to learn more about it and a Republican President who will sign this legislation.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Fair Tax – let me briefly explain how it works.
You get rid of income tax.
You get rid of all the withholding.
You get rid of corporate taxes completely, totally. After all – those taxes are not really paid by the corporations. They're passed on to the customer with a 22 percent embedded tax in the system.
You eliminate that, which means the prices of what you purchase will go down.
You replace it with a 23 percent consumption tax. Now, that sounds expensive, but you only pay when you purchase something new, whether it's a product or a service.
Also, It's a completely transparent tax system.
It doesn't increase taxes. It's revenue neutral. It will bring business back to the United States that is leaving our shores – our current, complicated, unfair tax laws make it impossible for an American-based business to compete with lower tax structures in other countries.
Don’t tell me something this “sweeping” can’t be passed. With your help . . . it can – and it will.
Make Your Mark
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